3 Ways to Set Up Your Mindful Space during Quarantine
It’s no surprise that parents like us are getting creative when it comes to juggling our kids, work, and “me” time. I am often asked how I am able to fit in my meditation practice while I have both young kids at home in quarantine. Simple answer: I include them. Today I am partnering with Brilli, to show you three easy ways to set up your mindfulness space with kids (even if it’s in the middle of the kitchen).
3 Ways to Set Up Your Mindful Space During Quarantine
Commit to one practice space: Your body and brain thrive on routine. Walk around your house and find the best place to set up your practice. For me, it’s often in the dining room. Is it the most ideal space? No. But I know that the dining room is always available to me.; I don’t have to worry about being quiet during nap time or disrupting my children’s play or my husband’s work. What I love about picking a consistent place to practice is that as soon as I sit down in that spot, my body and mind anticipate what’s about to happen. I feel calming energy come over me even before I get into my practice.
Optimize the ambiance of the space: Let’s be real, my meditation isn’t surrounded by candles, nor does it have a meditation mat with minimal distractions. Most of the time, I am moving toys out of the way to create my space. But that said, just because it isn’t ideal, doesn’t mean you can’t make minor changes to the space to make it relaxing. One thing we did that made a huge adjustment for my “zen-out” time was to replace our bulbs with Brilli ones. They have such a wide range of natural light options to choose from including Wind Down—designed to naturally induce feelings of calm and relaxation, to help reduce stress, and to prepare the body for sleep; Charge up—designed to naturally amp up energy, focus, and alertness; and Get in Sync—designed to boost energy, focus, and alertness during the day to create feelings of calm and relaxation in the evening.
Commit to it not being perfect: This is a big one! There are many times when I want to lean into my practice only to be distracted 1,010,923 times by the word “Mom” from my four-year-old, my youngest waking up from a nap early, or the dog needing something. I know going in that it won’t be perfect, and I have come to adjust my mindset accordingly. Before I begin I tell myself that an ounce of intentional practice is worth it. This helps me feel accomplished and surprised when I am able to fit in my full practice without too many deterrents. I also think it is invaluable to model your commitment to your practice in front of your kids; invite them to join you if they are distracting you.
Okay, so now that you know how to set up your space (and snagged yourself some lights from Brilli, let’s teach you a few simple songs to share with your little ones:
I am a Tree:
These are my roots gripping the ground.
This is my trunk sturdy and round.
These are my branches reaching up high.
These are my leaves as I wave “hi.”
Pro Tip: As you say each part, act it out with your body (I.e., touch the ground when you say roots, hands on your hips when you say trunk, arms to the sky when you say branches, and wave as you say hi).
Breathe into my Hands:
One hand on your belly.
One hand on your chest.
Close your eyes and take a rest.
Big deep breath, I know you can.
Sweet little (insert child’s name), breathe into your hands.
Pro tip: As you say each section, place your hands on their chest and belly, or ask them to do it themselves.
I Am Calm:
I am calm.
I am wise.
I close my eyes and see my life.
I am cared for.
I am brave.
I can do anything and let go of my strife.
Pro Tip: Have them look into the mirror when they say this!
I want to thank Brilli for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.