Making Summer Plans in Winter


There have been far too many blog posts featuring Winter and I playing on my bed. I can't complain, the cuddles while looking outside to our very own snow globe have been amazing this season. Yet, Perry and I can't seem to stop talking about our plans for this summer.

When I was 23/24, I volunteered at an orphanage in Guatemala. I was the art teacher and when I first arrived, I did not know one word of Spanish! Two bouts of parasites, chronic head lice and six months later, I was conversational and could finally interact with the students and my colleagues. It was on that trip that I became invigorated by the idea that one day I would be bilingual and bi-cultural and that I could pass this beautiful language onto my children.

I think now more than ever, it is a must to teach our children to be empathetic, understanding and embrace those who are different from us. I tear up thinking about what's been going on in our world and I can't fathom raising Winter any other way. I plan to show her these values by teaching her about another culture,  continuing to learn a second language and traveling.

It turns out that maintaining my Spanish has been harder than I thought, but I did get the best refresher during the summer of 2013 in Oaxaca, Mexico (which turned out to be the very place that Perry would ask me to marry him). Again, I fell in love with the Latino culture, the food and the Spanish language. Ever since that trip, Perry and I have talked about returning to Mexico or exploring more of Central or South America with our children during the summer.

We are so lucky that Perry can work anywhere as long as they have internet so we really want to take advantage of the situation. We thought this summer was going to be the summer. We already picked out our Airbnb in Saluita, Mexico and our plans seemed to be panning out. But because we hope to get pregnant again soon(ish) and with the reported cases of Zica still lingering around, we don't think it's in the best interest for us to travel there right now.

My family asked us to go to Hawaii with them in July. One night we had a crazy thought and started researching ways we could stay in Hawaii for a month. We figured if we are going to pay all that money to get there, we might as well stay and experience island life for awhile. We're still crunching numbers and aren’t sure if it going to be feasible. We’ve been looking at Airbnbs and even those seem to be on the rather pricey side so we will see. A girl can dream right?

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Have you been to Hawaii? Any must-dos or must-sees? Any tips on how to save money while you’re there?

Thank you Macy's & Ideology Active for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Photography by Brittany Renee'