What's In My Diaper Bag

I’m trying to live a more purposeful, minimalistic lifestyle, but I have always been one to put sentimental value on materialistic things, collecting and archiving EVERYTHING. In some cases, I’m very grateful for this, saving memorabilia such as tickets to the first concert Perry and I went to together (Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros), my Phoenix Suns basketball card signed by Dan Marley (who was also my first crush!) that I got when I was nine, and my childhood blanket. While these objects are all special artifacts from my life, I now find myself not wanting to collect anything more than what's necessary.  I’m not sure why motherhood changed me in this way, but I suddenly want to purge my belongings and have been taking tedious mental notes on what I actually use. 

Because I feel so disorganized and anxiety prone on the inside, I find that I need my environment to be very organized in order to feel calm. My husband once teased me that the way to my heart is a clean kitchen. He is 100% right! So slowly I have been getting rid of things I no longer use or need. I am nowhere near where I want to be, but I am bound to get there!

Below is a list I put together of the things that I carry with me, especially when I am with Winter. I love this Newlie diaper bag because it may be used as a purse, a work satchel and a diaper bag. By using it for three purposes, I find myself not having to trade out purses and can keep what I consistently use in an organized manner. 

If you have any tips on being and staying tidy, let me know!

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Dress: You can find my dress here

The List

Diaper Bag: This gorgeous bag is the Gail by Newlie! I am so in love with it. It's stylish, comfortable and easy to organize. Plus, it has a insulation pocket to keep food and milk cold!

Baby Wrap: The Beluga Baby is my absolute favorite! It's made out of sustainable bamboo fabric and is so comfortable. Winter lived in it her first few months of life and we bring it everywhere just in case she wants to be wrapped.

Bib: The Copper Pearl bibs are our favorite. Perry uses them when he feds Winter a bottle during my days at work. Plus, they are super cute.

Hat: Colorado weather is always changing. I never leave the house without this bunny beanie from Belly Armor. It keeps Winter warm and always puts a smile on my face when she wears it.

Swaddle: Two of my favorites are by June & January and Natti Natti

Snack bags: I am ALWAAYYS hungry. These reusable snack bags by Itzy Ritzy are often filled with goldfish, grapes or trail mix.

Cheek and lip balm: Winter's little cheeks get chapped often. I use this on her cheeks almost daily.

Toys: Winter is just now starting to get into toys and likes to put everything in her mouth. For now, we pack one or two simple toys. Lately, my favorite has been these teethers from Bannor Toys.

Photography by Brittney Renee'