A Bohemian Southwest Inspired Nursery

Winter’s nursery reveal is finally here! We had such an overwhelming move back in August (moving with a baby makes things exceptionally more difficult) and it feels so good to finally have at least one room where the closets aren’t busting at the seams and where everything has found its natural place.

It was such a fun process to design this room and I’m so proud of how it all came together. I had always envisioned pulling inspiration from our original hometowns of Arizona and Minnesota, but also wanted to give Winter a sense of familiarity in her room by using inspiration from her birth state, Colorado.

To bring in a cohesive sense of the Southwest, we put up this beautiful succulent wallpaper from @anewwalldecor, ordered this teepee from @tnees_tpees and hung these sentimental dream catchers, which came from the décor of my best friend’s wedding this past September.

Her room is an A-frame, so we really only had the back wall to work with in terms of design. But when were finished, felt like the side walls looked so bare. If you have ever been to the Denver airport you know that they used large tents to create the effect of the Rocky Mountains. The airport of all places, gave me the creativeness and idea to put up a few smaller inlays using old scrap wood on the wall and with the teepee serving as the tallest mountain of the bunch, viola, we created the Rockies.

The colored rugs you see were knitted by my grandmother when she was little. I have toted them around for a decade and am so glad I hung on to them. They bring a perfect amount of color into her room and every time I see them, I smile thinking about my grandmother.


Perry built the shelves for the reading nook and the bookshelf on the back wall of her room. To cut costs and corners, we decided to not to paint them. Overall, we feel pretty satisfied with the natural wood effect. To mount the shelves, we simply used these brackets. After killing ourselves making some custom shelves in our last house (here), we wanted to let ourselves off the hook a bit and do something simpler. 

Most of the toys on the shelf are handmade products and are toys that Winter is currently loving. She stacks these @bannortoys rings, pushes and pulls this darling wooden dog from @sarahandbendrix and loves holding onto to her stuffed animals. I am really blown away by the craftsmanship of these toys and will be doing a second post that will some provide tips on how to design a child’s bookshelf later using the triangle rule.

Originally, I had thought that all the books would go on her back wall, but it just seemed too cluttered and overwhelming to look at. Also, one of Winter’s favorite games is to clear book shelves, which is not fun for me to clean up afterwards, so it only seemed suiting to put her bookshelf outside her room (although she somehow manages to clear everything off this shelf quite often too!). We put our current favorites on the ledge in the back of her room. Some of the ones I just can’t get enough of are Play It Again Charlie Brown, Where The Wild Things Are and a new favorite called The Little Girl Who Lost Her Name.

What I love about this book is that it was completely customizable. You simply go online, pick out an avatar (a.k.a. character) that most resembles your child and then you create the story-line that guides your child along in order to find each letter in their name. It is quite the adventure. Winter’s story takes her to meet a Wizard, an Inuit, a Narwhal, a Tarantula, Elephant and Robot. It really makes for the best holiday or baby shower gift. I am really looking forward to the day that Winter figures out that this book is about her! It will certainly be one for the books (no pun intended, ha)!

We plan to have more babies and already know that we will have our kids share a room for the first few years (regardless of the sex). It will be fun to see how this space transitions from one child to two, but for now, it’s a room designed for our sweet baby, Winter. 

Lost My Name also made the personalized ABC poster that sits above her reading nook.

Thank you to Lost My Name for sponsoring this post. Additionally, a huge thank you to the small shops who supported in decorating this nursery room. Winter and I are truly grateful for their talent and generosity to our family.

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Sources are tagged below:

The SOFTEST White Marina Wool Blanket c/o Ohhio
Jungle Leaf Blanket c/o Madly Wish
Blue Pom Pom Blanket c/o Amarvi Dreams
Pull Along Wooden Dog with Xylophone c/o Sarah and Bendrix Kids
Wooden Dog Toy Pencil Holder c/o Sarah and Bendrix Kids                                                      
Little Lamb Doll & Deer Lady Doll c/o Sarah and Bendrix Kids
Personalized Wagon & Wooden Blocks c/o Bannor Toys
Personalized Book and ABC Poster  c/o Lost My Name
Teepee c/o Tnees Tpees
Bunny Book End/Door Stop c/o Mjukstore
Basket c/o Plum and Sparrow
The BEST crib sheets c/o Cariloha
Mobil c/o Electric Suns
Succulent Wall Paper c/o Anewall                                                                                                     Triceratops and Brontosaurus Dinosaur Air Plant Planter c/o Two Trees Botanicals                                                                                  

Photography by Brittany Renee'