Posts tagged mom blog
Weekend Links: Uno

Every Friday I will be compiling a list of things that I am loving from interesting mindfulness or parenting articles, fashion and home decor inspiration, songs or movies to watch, toys that Winter is currently enjoying and more.

I really enjoy connecting and learning more about you, so each week I will also choose someone who leaves a comment to the 'Question of the Week' and send them a small gift as a token of my appreciation!

So let's begin!

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Behind the Scenes of our Meditation Video

A few weeks ago we were honored to be asked to create a video for one of my favorite apps called Calm. Calm is a mindfulness and meditation app that has several guided sessions to help you live a more mindful, present life. I had received a few questions about the video shoot so I thought I would take you all behind the scenes and answer some of those questions.

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Intentions Not Resolutions & The Social Media Trap

There has been quite a lot of talk surrounding New Year's resolutions. Last year, I wrote about how my only resolution was to manage my difficult feelings in a healthier way (here). This year, I want to continue this path of emotional growth and management but do it in a way that is more compatible with what I need right now, which is kindness. 

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Black Friday/Cyber Monday Wish Lists

You guys!! This post probably took me 15 hours to put together. I hunted for the best deals and was really choosy about the products that I put on these lists. Below you will find a shopping guide for Winter, our home, myself and Perry. Just click on a photo to shop!!

I promise you that you won't be disappointed with these picks! I WANT IT ALL!

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Winter at Two


Today you are two-years-old.

You have mellowed out quite a bit in the last few months, yet you are still our mighty Winter. Your independence, language, and empathy have soared to new heights over the past few months. You are our little observer; taking in the world around you, watching others and patiently waiting to engage once you feel like the time is right. 

You express so much love for those that care from you. You look sincerely into the eyes of those you love and provide us with the sweetest gestures of affection from holding our cheeks with both hands, saying "te amo" (which means "I love you" in Spanish) and asking for besos (which means "kiss" in Spanish) or to hold our hand.  

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Top Fall Fashion Trends

So if your an influencer, you'll want to know about this app called Popular Pays, which is a platform that connects brands with stories to tell and the content creators who'll help them say it (like me!). It's where I get the majority of paying collaborations. And if you're not an influencer, just disregard this first paragraph :)

Well, the other day, I had the opportunity to shoot with Marshalls. It was one of those "pinch me" moments. When they accepted my entry for the campaign, I about fell out of my seat. The either picked you to feature home decor or fashion for the gig and they decided that I was to focus on style. They sent me a long list of this year's top fashion trends + styling tips, and I thought that they were so good, that I wanted to share it with you all.

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The Significance of My Tattoo Take 2: Tiny Origami Crane

Whelp. I did it again. Just a month after getting my roman numeral 11 on my finger (read about the significance, here), I went and got another tattoo that means the world me: a tiny origami crane. Okay, now I think my tattoo collection is complete.

You may have noticed that my blog logo has always had an origami crane. It's been a symbol that has played such an intricate component in my life. So what's its significance?

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5 Ways To Limit Your Social Media Usage

In December 2016, I decided to take Love & LaRock on with full steam. I post to Instagram at least six days per week, put a  blog post up twice per week, and shoot content every Friday. I have noticed that while Insta-Blogging brings so much joy and has connected me to many wonderful people and brands from all over the world, it’s also had some negative ramifications on my mental state.

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Tips On Surviving Your Child's Tantrum

Perry and I have had our fair share of stressors when it comes to raising Winter. She has breath-holding spells (read more about our experience, here), she has already entered into the tantruming phase of her life, and recently, we ended up completely stuck and lost on a bus in the middle of the redwood forest with a very car sick,puking child without cell reception. I know when difficult parenting situations arise, the panic, pressure and chaos can easily take over, and it’s hard to keep your cool whether you are alone or with your partner.

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Best Travel Toys for Toddlers

Well, it's official. We are going to Hawaii this summer and we couldn't be more excited. The travel day is about 10 hours from Colorado to Hawaii (including one layover). We have made several airplane trips with Winter since she has been born and have definitely learned what keeps her busy without the use of screen-time.

Take a peak at the list below to view my favorite tried and true travel toys for toddlers.

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A Letter To Winter At 18-Months-Old


Today, you are a year and a half years old. I am having a hard time starting this letter because I have so much to say, but I am not entirely sure I have the vocabulary to convey it.

I remember writing you a letter the day before you were born (you can read it, here). I was so eager to meet you, little one. When I wrote it, I wasn’t feeling apprehensive about the labor or delivery. I remember the words just pouring out of me. While I typed, I experienced this cool, calm, and collected ease and energy pass through my body. Now, here you are a year and a half later, and that easy-going, serene-like energy is passing through me again as I am typing this today.

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Energy and Money Saving Hacks For The Mindful Parent

Perry and I are finally tackling the basement and going through all the boxes that we never got around to back in August when we first moved. These boxes are filled with old college memorabilia, childhood belongings, art and music supplies and quite frankly a bunch of things that we just don't use.

In my twenties, my friends would make fun of me because I was a bit of a hoarder. Meaning, I attached sentimental value to everything and kept a lot of objects that really didn't serve me. Now that I am in my early thirties, I have realized that the more stuff I have around me, the more chaotic I feel on the inside.

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Is Baby #2 In Our Future?

I get this knot in my stomach when people ask me if we are going to have another baby. It’s that forward thinking type of question our society asks anyone who has made a major life decision, such as “Have you set a date for the wedding?” after someone gets engaged or “What are you going to major in?” after someone has graduated from high school. I’ve been asked these types of questions my whole life so you think I would be used to it by now, or, at the very least, come up with an automatic response that I could say to appease someone when asked a question like this.

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Dinner Time + The Witching Hour

We tried to take Winter to a local restaurant this past Friday. When we showed up, I thought it would be a blessing that it wasn't too crowed when we arrived. Nope, I was wrong. By the time the appetizer had come, Winter had played with everything in my purse, climbed on top of every empty seat, grabbed the squirt bottle from the server's station and screamed in protest a few times. Needless to say, we chugged our beers, pounded the app and bailed as quickly as we could with a huge sigh of relief when we made it back home. Some moments, I feel like I am raising a wild animal.

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A Social Media Break

I had the honor of being in one of my best friend’s wedding a few weekends ago. The day after the wedding, I had coffee with the bride and our other dear friend. I started telling them about how my postpartum funk had begun to show its ugly face again once I started back up to work in August. I keep thinking I am past it, but then stress hits and bam, I am completely brought to my knees by my inability to cope with it all. My friends asked me (more like begged me) to start putting myself first so I could get a grasp on things and when they inquired what helped me, I responded “to write”.

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