Posts tagged mommy blogger
Things I Want to Remember about Winter at 22-Months-Old

It's all going entirely too quickly. I can't believe that in two months, my sweet Winter will be two-years-old. There are so many moments during the day that I find myself begging for time to pause so that my memory has time to etch every single detail of her into my soul. I want to savor every bit of time that I have with her while she is this little. Gosh, where is that darn pause button??! Slow down, time!!

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5 Ways To Limit Your Social Media Usage

In December 2016, I decided to take Love & LaRock on with full steam. I post to Instagram at least six days per week, put a  blog post up twice per week, and shoot content every Friday. I have noticed that while Insta-Blogging brings so much joy and has connected me to many wonderful people and brands from all over the world, it’s also had some negative ramifications on my mental state.

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