Posts tagged mom blog
Summer's Ending, Work Is Near

The day before returning back to work from maternity leave, Winter and I visited Meek Vintage and sat on their couch for an hour while I held my sleeping then three-month-old baby. Tears filled my eyes at the thought of leaving her. I am actually getting teary-eyed typing this because I remember the raw emotion so well. I don't know if that memory will ever leave me.

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For Baby + Mama: 5 Baby Rearing Products I Wish I Had Known About Earlier

There are so many products out there for mom + baby. It can definitely be confusing to know what to buy or use. Perry and I took the approach of trying to buy the least amount of stuff and get to know our daughter's like and dislikes before we went crazy at the store. However, we all know that hindsight is 20/20 and there are a select few products that we wish we would have known about earlier and plan to save and use when baby number two comes (which is yet to be determined).

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